Money Advice
This role reaches a wide range of people but those likely to face disadvantage are those with low incomes, households where no one has paid work and those where access to mainstream financial services is restricted.
Many of the people who seek to attend a session with a money advice officer are experiencing the following problems:
Money worries, especially unsustainable debt, affecting their health and well-being
Difficulty in Managing within their income and keeping track of their money
Paying more for basic services due to their lack of financial knowledge
Financial difficulty because they are unable to plan for the future or cope with unexpected change
Abuse and exploitation because they are unaware of their rights and sources of help.
Most of the people identified in debt statistics are:
Offenders and ex-offenders
Victims of domestic violence
Job seekers and in the training scheme
People with caring responsibilities
Older people
Mental Health service users
Young adults
Families and/or lone parents
Social housing tenants.
As all other services, the adviser will sit with client in a very confidential setting and run client through a very realistic budget depicting all income and expenditure. Adviser will assist client with prioritizing expenditure and help them budget. When need be the adviser will intervene. Ie utility companies, money-lending organizations etc.