Law & Justice
Law enforcement
Law enforcement is principally in the hands of the Royal Gibraltar Police Force and Gibraltar Customs. The Force is the oldest established British Force outside the United Kingdom, and it operates both in the city and in the bay.

Gibraltar Police Authority
An independent body tasked with ensuring the Royal Gibraltar Police operates as efficiently and effectively as possible within available resources, providing information on police issues to the community,...
Government Law Offices
HM Government of Gibraltar Law Offices ("GLO") are headed by the Attorney General and includes the Office of Advisory Counsel, the Office of Parliamentary Counsel, the Office of Criminal Prosecutions and Litigation and the Administration Office (including the Gibraltar Gazette).
Gibraltar Courts Service
The Aim of the Gibraltar Courts Service is to support the delivery of a timely and efficient justice system that is open to all.
The GCID was established in the early part of 1997 to co-ordinate the gathering, analysis and use of criminal intelligence. It is a non-operational unit with well-established intelligence databases. Operational duties remain the responsibility of the agencies to which the intelligence is assigned.
The Supreme Court
277 Main Street
The Magistrates Court
277 Main Street
The Hon the Attorney General
Attorney Generals Chambers
40 Town Range
Chairman of the Bar Council
Watergate House,
2/7 Casemates Square,
Commissioner of Police
New Mole House
Rosia Road
Collector of Customs
Custom House