Gibraltar Archives
The Gibraltar Archives, first set up in 1969, is the official repository for public records in Gibraltar. Under the terms of the proposed Heritage (Protection) Ordinance, the Gibraltar Archives will become responsible for the safekeeping of public records which are thirty years or older.

The Ordinance will define public records as:
(a) records of, or held in, any department of the Government of Gibraltar in Gibraltar, or
(b) records of any office, commission or other body or establishment whatsoever under the Government of Gibraltar in Gibraltar.
In addition to public records, the Gibraltar Archives also keep lists of inhabitants and census records ranging from the 1777 list of inhabitants to the census of 2001. The Gibraltar Archives also house extensive collections of all Gibraltar newspapers, including the Gibraltar Chronicle (from 1811 to the present). There is also a large collection of Gibraltar maps and plans. The Gibraltar Archives also encourage private deposits from clubs, societies, religious communities and other groups or individuals in Gibraltar. For instance, the records belonging to the Methodist community in Gibraltar are housed in the Gibraltar Archives and arrangements are also currently being made to transfer the records of the Gibraltar Football Association there.
The members of staff at the Gibraltar Archives deal with a wide variety of public enquiries, including many from outside Gibraltar. The staff are happy to answer queries of a historical and genealogical nature and research is usually conducted free of charge. The Gibraltar Archives is open to the public and members of the public are free to consult most records under certain rules and conditions and under the supervision of the members of staff.
Opening hours are as follows:
Monday to Friday (normal hours) 9.00am to 4.00pm
Monday to Friday (summer hours) 8.00am to 2.30pm
Contact details:
Gibraltar Archives,
6 Convent Place,
Tel. - 20079461 or 20040314
Fax - 20079461
E-mail - gibarchives@gibtelecom.net