Gibraltar Health Authority
The Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) delivers Primary, Secondary and Mental Health Care in Gibraltar
Using a Healthcare model closely linked to the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom and for this purpose some tertiary referrals are delivered in the NHS as well as in Spanish Hospitals due to the proximity.

The Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) was set up under the Medical (Gibraltar Health Authority) Act 1987 and its purpose is to provide health care in Gibraltar, which is home to just over 30,000 residents. Gibraltar enjoys similar health, and standards of health care provision, to most Western European countries.
The Gibraltar Health Authority (GHA) delivers Primary, Secondary and Mental Health Care in Gibraltar using a Healthcare model closely linked to the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom and for this purpose some tertiary referrals are delivered in the NHS as well as in Spanish Hospitals due to the proximity. The organisation is split into three sites with the administration based in the hospital itself. The hospital is a 30,000m² facility, which opened in February 2005. The GHA employs approximately 1000 employees and handles approximately 37,000 A&E attendances, 40,000 out patient episodes and 90,000 GP visits on an annual basis. The GHA’s three main sites are the Primary Care Centre, St.Bernard’s Hospital and the Ocean Views Mental Health Facility. In January 2017 the GHA also opened a new Dementia Day Facility that can accommodate up to 90 patients on a daily basis from Monday to Friday. The GHA has an operating budget of around £100m per annum.
The GHA operates a Group Practice Medical Scheme, which is a contributory scheme and enables registered persons to access free medical treatment.
St. Bernard’s Hospital provides a comprehensive out-patients service and in-patient treatment for acute medical and surgical cases. With a total of 212 beds it incorporates a maternity unit, paediatric ward, surgical wards, medical wards, critical care unit, operating theatres, radiology, pathology, rehabilitation, ambulance and CSSD services amongst others. The hospital also includes two elderly care wards managed by the Care Agency Elderly Residential Services. Facilities also exist for specialist medical services to be obtained outside Gibraltar where such services are beyond the scope of local resources.
Ocean Views is a 52-beded state-of-the-art modern facility designed by the Mental Health multidisciplinary team in partnership with service users, carers and support groups; it has been built specifically with our patients needs at the center of all the decisions’ taken.
A Primary Care Centre houses the General Practice Surgeries with circa 20 General Practioner’s and an average of 90,000 attendances per annum. Provision is also made for domiciliary visits. The child welfare and school medical services, which include immunisation and vaccination, the dental clinics and health visitors, are also housed in this Centre.
A programme of visits by consultants from the United Kingdom covers certain specialties that are not provided by staff permanently employed in Gibraltar. These include, for example, Paediatric Neurology, Plastic Surgery and Cardio-thoracic Surgery among others.
What we do.
Our Vision
“The GHA will provide a service that meets the health needs and wellbeing of the people we serve. A service that is user-centred, accessible and delivered in a safe and dignified manner, and strives for continuous improvement. A quality service which Gibraltar can be proud of”
Our Mission Statement
“Keeping your health at the centre of what we do”
The Gibraltar Health Authority objectives as outlined in the GHA Strategic Plan 2015 -2017
The Five Key Objectives
1) Prevention rather than cure
The GHA will improve the health of our population through health promotion, education and awareness. The GHA will develop new screening programmes and improve the management of chronic disease.
2) Provision of Care and Services
The GHA will provide care and services at the right time, by the right person, at the right place with the appropriate resources.
3) Training, Development and Succession Planning
The GHA will provide the appropriate training and support to staff in order to develop them in acquiring the right skills for current and future needs of the service.
4) Governance, Quality of Care and Safety
The GHA will develop a comprehensive and robust Clinical and Corporate Governance framework.
5) Communication and Engagement
The GHA will engage in the development of effective communication strategies within the organisation with service users, and with other key stakeholders within the community to ensure that there is awareness, engagement and constructive participation in all aspects of the service.