Department of Employment
Through a variety of functions, the Department of Employment is responsible for the multiple and diverse employment related issues associated with the labour market. Assisting the registered unemployed to find employment, maintaining a comprehensive employment database, ensuring relevant law enforcement is carried out and providing a resource for general employment information to various client groups all constitute the operations of the various units of the Department.

Our offices are located at Unit 75-77 Harbours Walk, New Harbours, and our counters are open from 8:30am to 3:00pm, Monday to Friday.
For further information on our services, please see the relevant sections of the Department of Employment:
Department of Employment
Unit 75-77 Harbours Walk,
New Harbours,
Gibraltar, GX11 1AA
Tel: (350) 20011000
Email: employment.service@gibraltar.gov.gi
Temporary Employment Registration- Covid-19 Outbreak Prevention Measures
The Department of Employment wishes to advise the general public that as a result of the further measures announced this weekend, the office at Unit 77 New Harbours will be closing its public counters as from 3pm on Monday 16th March 2020.
Employment services will now only be accepted by e-mail, online and by postal mail. All payments are to be made online by bank transfer and cash payments will not be accepted or handled as from 3pm, 16th March 2020. All employers and persons wishing to submit documentation will be able to do so as follows:
Persons wishing to register a Business, Trade or Profession are to complete the application form and submit relevant documentation by email on: business.registration@gibraltar.gov.gi or whatsApp on 54083153 or telephone: 20011055, 20011051 and 20011053.
Employers who wish to engage an entitled worker are to submit Terms of Engagements and any relevant documents to employment.officers@gibraltar.gov.gi or by whatsApp on 54083175 or telephone: 20046255, 20011093, 20011054 and 20011052.
Employers wishing to engage a non-entitled worker are to submit Work Permit applications along with all relevant documents to: work.permits@gibraltar.gov.gi or by whatsApp on 54083180 or telephone: 20011045 and 20060083.
Employers wising to register a Detached Worker are to submit applications along with all relevant documents to: work.permits@gibraltar.gov.gior by whatsApp on 54083180 or telephone: 20011045 and 20060083.
Any person who wishes to register as unemployed will need to contact the Employment Officers via email on: findajob.employment@gibraltar.gov.gi or by whatsApp on 54083189 or telephone: 20011048, 20011046, 20011023, 20011030 and 20052662.
All enquiries relating to the inspectorate by telephone on 20046259, or mobile numbers: 58740000 and 57329000, via email on: geraldine.villanueva@gibraltar.gov.gi and richard.ullger@gibraltar.gov.gi
All enquiries relating to Health & Safety by telephone on 20011032, 20011034 and 20011031, or mobile numbers: 573670000, 57977000 and 56000293, via email on richard.perera@gibraltar.gov.gi david.zammit@gibraltar.gov.gi and paul.baglietto@gibraltar.gov.gi
All enquiries relating to the Employment Tribunal by telephone on 20046257, or mobile number: 58587000 and via email on: susan.wink-sampere@gibraltar.gov.gi and lorraine.fa@gibraltar.gov.gi
All other enquiries can be directed to Senior Management by email on: employment.service@gibraltar.gov.gi or via telephone and whatsApp on the followings numbers: 20060083 – 20048418 – 20011050 and mobile numbers: 54083175, 54083205 and 54083178.
EmploymentSectionsFormsRegistration ExplainedEmployment LegislationTemporary entry for the provision of services - Switzerland and CanadaSelf-Isolation PayFeesPrivacy Notice
Hon Paul Balban MP
Minister for Employment, Health and Safety and Social Security