How to Apply for Schooling in Gibraltar for Non-Locals
For the purpose of enrolling children at local schools and nurseries, the Department of Education requires that formal documentation is presented which confirms residency in Gibraltar.

Once you have obtained a permit of residency, the Civil Status and Registration Office are able to issue you with ID cards/Civilian Registration Cards for the child/children which you need to take to the department of Education.
In addition, the child's long birth Certificate and a utility bill confirming a residency address will be requested. You will also be required to fill in a form.
The Department of Education reserves the right to request additional information where necessary in order to complete the enrolement process.
Where necessary, the Director of Employment will look at specific cases individually and take it to the board where they will then in turn make a decision regarding the enrolment of your child/children.
Paying is another alternative in order to attend schools in Gibraltar.
Contact details of the Department of Education and Training:
Department of Education and Training
23 Queensway
Director of Education
Tel: 20078638
Fax: 200 71564
Email: info.edu@gibraltar.gov.gi