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Department of Education

The Department of Education is under the control of the Director of Education, who has a duty to promote education in Gibraltar generally, to control and direct educational policy, to administer and inspect all schools and to ensure the due administration of the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Education at Home

As a parent of a child of compulsory school age (that is, from the age of 4 to the age of 15), you have a duty to make sure your child receives an efficient full-time education.

Gibraltar College and Higher Education


Full-time provision is for Gibraltar residents and is primarily centered on Intermediate and Advanced Courses in Information Technology, Business and Finance Studies and Built Environment Studies.

How to Apply for Schooling in Gibraltar for Non-Locals

For the purpose of enrolling children at local schools and nurseries, the Department of Education requires that formal documentation is presented which confirms residency in Gibraltar.



The Gibraltar Government provides a number of places in nursery units for children of pre-school age. Current Government provision for pre-school children is catered for by Varyl Begg Nursery, St Paul’s Nursery, St Mary’s Nursery, Governor’s Meadow Nursery, St Bernard’s Nursery, Notre Dame Nursery and St Joseph’s Nursery.

Primary Education

Primary Education is free, full-time and compulsory for Gibraltar residents between the ages of 4+/7+ (Years R to 3) and in Middle Schools for the 8+/12 age-range (Years 4 to 7). All these schools are co-educational and English is the language of instruction.

Schools in Gibraltar


There are 14 schools and 1 College of Further Education in Gibraltar. All teacher-training takes place in UK universities and colleges.

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Secondary Education

Secondary Education is free, full-time and compulsory for Gibraltar residents between the ages 12+ and 15+ years.

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Special Education

St Martin’s School caters for a wide range of special needs for children between the ages of 5+ and 16+.

University Of Gibraltar

The University of Gibraltar is set to open for business on the 1st September 2015, however, the enrolling of students will commence on the 23rd September 2015.

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