Frequently Asked Questions about Communications
I am always getting phone calls from people I don’t know. How can I stop them?
If the phone calls are from strangers who do not give their name and are being offensive then contact the police.

This sort of nuisance call is against the law and a person can be prosecuted if they are discovered doing this.
There are various ways of trying to find out who is making a nuisance call. For further information about phone services, contact the GRA Office.
I want to buy a mobile phone but am very confused by all the different information I have read. Can you help?
You need to decide what you want the phone for. Do you just want a basic phone service or do you want perhaps to be able to connect to the Internet?
Are you going to use it a lot, perhaps for work, or is it just in case you need help?
You can choose to pay rental charges and the cost of calls at the end of each month or you can buy vouchers in advance. You also need to think about where you want to use your phone as mobile phones work by picking up signals which may be weaker in more rural areas.
If you have a problem with a mobile phone you will need to know who your contract is with. It could be with:
•a network operator
•a service provider
•an outlet selling directly to the public