Importation of Pet Animals & non-pet animals
The Animals and Birds Rules 2004 implemented EC Regulation 998/2003 which controls the animal health requirements for the non-commercial movement of pet animals between Member States or their entry or re-entry into the territory of the community from a third country.
What animals are "pet animals"
A 'pet animal' is defined as an animal listed below which accompanies its owner or a natural person responsible for such animal on behalf of its owner during the movement and is not intended to be sold or transferred to another owner. The following are classified as pet animals:
Dogs, cats, ferrets, invertebrates (except bees and crustaceans), ornamental tropical fish, amphibian, reptiles, all species of birds (except poultry), rodents and domestic rabbits.
Requirements as to the entry of cats, dogs and ferrets entering Gibraltar from the EU and listed non-EU countries
The current requirements for the entry of cats, dogs and ferrets that are pet animals are as follows:-
1.Animals must be identified by an electronic identification system (microchip) (animals must be vaccinated for rabies after they are micro chipped even if the rabies is up to date, this must be done at least 21 days before entering Gibraltar).
2.Animals must be accompanied by a Pet Passport* issued by a Veterinarian authorized by the Competent Authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination or revaccination if applicable in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturing laboratory, carried out on the animals in question with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO) standard.
Non-EU Countries
Non-EU listed countries and territories are those which the EU considers do not present a higher risk of rabies incursion compared to pet movements within the EU. Non-EU listed countries and territories are shown below:-
American Samoa, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, New Caledonia, San Marino, Andorra, British Virgin Islands, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore, Antigua & Barbuda, Canada, Japan, Northern Marina Islands, Switzerland ,Argentina, Cayman Islands, Liechtenstein, Norway ,Taiwan, Aruba, Chile, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, Ascension Island, Croatia, Mauritius, Russian Federation, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Falkland Islands, Mayotte, Saint Helena, United States of America, Bahrain, Fiji, Mexico, Saint Lucia, US Virgin Islands, Barbados, French Polynesia, Monaco, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Vanuatu, Belarus, Guam, Montserrat, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, Vatican City State, Bermuda, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Antilles, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Wallis & Futuna
Animals must be identified by an electronic identification system (microchip).
1. Animals re-entering Gibraltar from any of these territories must be accompanied by a Pet Passport issued by a Veterinarian authorized by the Competent Authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination or re-vaccination if applicable in accordance with the recommendations of the Manufacturing Laboratory carried out on the animal in question with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO) standard OR
2. Animals entering Gibraltar from any of these territories must be accompanied by a Certificate conforming to the model established by Commission Decision 2004/824/EC
issued by a Veterinarian authorized by the Competent Authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination or re-vaccination if applicable in accordance with the recommendations of the Manufacturing Laboratory carried out on the animal in question with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO) standard.
Movement consisting of the entering or re-entering any European Community Member States from any other third country not included in the table above:
1. Animals re-entering the community from any of these territories must be accompanied by a Pet Passport issued by a Veterinarian authorized by the Competent Authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination or re-vaccination if applicable in accordance with the recommendations of the Manufacturing Laboratory carried out on the animal in question with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO) standard OR
2.Animals entering the community from any of these territories must be accompanied by a Certificate conforming with the model established by Commission Decision 2004/824/EC issued by a Veterinarian authorized by the Competent Authority certifying valid anti-rabies vaccination or re-vaccination if applicable in accordance with the recommendations of the Manufacturing Laboratory carried out on the animal in question with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO) standard.
The animals must have a blood test confirming a neutralizing rabies antibody titration at least equal to 0.5 iu/ml carried out on a sample taken by an authorized veterinarian and three months before being moved.
An up to date list of approved laboratories can be found in the EU site: http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/approved_establishments/other_laboratories_en.htm
The blood test need not be renewed on a pet animal which has been revaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the laboratory manufacturing the vaccine. The three month period shall not apply to the re-entry of a pet animal whose passport certifies that the rabies antibody titration was carried out, with a positive result, before the animal left the territory of the community.
Pet passports
*Pet Passport – means a passport that complies with the model set out in Commission Decision 2003/803/EC.
Pet Dogs, Cats, Ferrets under 3 Months Old
Special provisions exist for the movement between Member States of dogs, cats and ferrets which are under 3 months old into Gibraltar.
For more information please contact the Environmental Agency.
Requirements for the Importation of Pet Rodents, Rabbits, Fish, Birds, Invertebrates, Amphibians and Reptiles
There is at present no health requirements for the importation of any other pet animal listed above.
The importation of any animal which is not a PET ANIMAL into Gibraltar is subject to licensing requirements and you should therefore contact the Environmental Agency.
Animals covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) will remain subject to the requirement of that legislation.