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Neighbourhood Policing Unit

Neighbourhood Policing is a local service to improve 'quality of life' by working closely with the community. Each neighbourhood or estate in Gibraltar has dedicated Neighbourhood Policing Teams that are trained to tackle concerns by using a problem solving approach.

What is Neighbourhood Policing

Neighbourhood Policing in Gibraltar is all about local policing; police, partners and the community dedicated to working together to identify and tackle issues of concern. This is our approach to tackling crime and reassuring people.

Who is involved

The Royal Gibraltar Police is determined to work in partnership as part of the Neighbourhood Policing concept. These partnerships are designed to develop solutions to problems and increase trust and public satisfaction in the police and other agencies.
Government Agencies, Tenants' Associations, Community Groups, Private Businesses and the Media are examples of our partners.

How does it work

Neighbourhood Policing is designed to improve the community's quality of life by tackling the key issues that are affecting local areas. We aim to make the police service more accessible and to improve victim and user satisfaction.

The Royal Gibraltar Police has a strong commitment towards the success of Neighbourhood Policing and this is evident in the recent restructure to significantly enhance the level of resources in order to provide a more consistent visible presence on our streets. Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) are an integrated team that interact with tenants and residents to find out what their local priorities are in order to identify and implement solutions to the communities issues.

What can you do

You too can be involved in Neighbourhood Policing by getting to know your local Neighbourhood Policing Team members. You could provide us with information or share your concerns about issues affecting your area. Send us an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or give us a call. By doing this you could be part of the working in partnerships principle to resolve key issues.

If you want to find out what we are doing in your area you could follow us on Twitter or visit us on Facebook

Neighbourhood Policing in Gibraltar is all about local policing; police, partners and the community dedicated to working together to identify and tackle issues of concern. This is our approach to tackling crime and reassuring people.

Our objectives are

•To increase trust and confidence in policing
•To improve quality of service to our community by proactively working in partnerships
•To increase visibility and contact with our community
•To reduce anti-social behaviour
•To tackle under-age drinking
•To identify opportunities for proactive management of known offenders
•To effectively respond to domestic violence and child abuse
•To support victims of crime and vulnerable adults
•To support the protection of the environment
•To effectively support our Community

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